Planting Seeds to Grow Healthy Kids

Just as planting a garden requires fertile soil, quality seeds, plenty of sunshine and water, planting seeds to grow healthy kids requires specific actions.

With a dizzying amount of advice dispensed over the Internet, through the TV and by well-meaning friends and family members, it’s not always easy to know what advice to follow. Consider the following for growing healthy kids — naturally, of course!

Make Smart Dietary Decisions

From frozen foods filled with chemical ingredients to fast food dietary disasters, it’s not always easy fueling kids with healthy edibles. Here are some foods to consider including in your child’s diet:

As childhood obesity is a growing problem, remember to control portions and offer healthy snacks to fight hunger between meals. Another way to curb calories is by opting for water versus juice. Flavor it with lemons or limes.

The Sleep Your Child Needs

The amount of sleep your child needs varies depending on age. Too little sleep can affect mood, school performance and overall health. Chronic sleep deprivation may even result in depression. It’s a good idea to set a regular bedtime routine for your child. These can include bath time and story reading.

Encourage older kids to turn off electronics well in advance of bedtime and read instead. Those high-tech gizmos and gadgets, from notebooks to smart phones, can wreak havoc on your teen’s sleep. Many studies link the use of electronics to later bedtimes and less shut-eye.

Why Exercise Is Essential

Though high-tech temptations abound, sidelining kids from outdoor activity, regular, brisk exercise helps kids to have healthier bodies and minds, too. Exercise also helps children get better sleep and fight stress easier. Though participation in a team sport is a great way for kids to get regular exercise, they can also get fit by walking the family dog, playing an outdoor game, or taking a bike ride.

Boost Health Naturally

Just as your kids brush their teeth to enjoy better oral health and a brighter smile, regular chiropractic care may help your child enjoy better health. Why? Because kids who have a healthier nervous system that’s free from interference may also benefit from a stronger immune system.

Schedule a wellness checkup for your child today!

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