Blog Archive

Understanding the Many Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy and Their Effective Treatments Mar 6th, 2020

Do you have unexplained pain, tingling, or numbness in your extremities or your face? It could be peripheral neuropathy, a condition that affects at least 20 million Americans. When you have peripheral neuropathy, your symptoms could range from annoying to completely life-disrupting. At JNT Natural Medicine in Memphis, Tennessee, Dr....

Explore Natural Knee-Pain Treatments That Improve Your Quality of Life Feb 1st, 2020

When you’re overweight, for every pound you weigh or carry, your knees support the equivalent of four pounds. An injury to your knee, or the onset of osteoarthritis, can cause significant and lasting knee pain that can be difficult to resolve. At JNT Natural Medicine in Memphis, Tennessee, regenerative medicine...

Chronic Pain After a Car Accident? Personalized Noninvasive Therapies Can Help You Become Pain-Free Jan 7th, 2020

A car accident can turn your life upside down. Whiplash, back injuries, bruised and battered knees cause pain that can be difficult to move forward from. Medication can mask symptoms, but the root of your pain needs to be addressed before you can move on from your injury. At JNT...

Neurofeedback and Brain Mapping: Your Drug-Free Solution to Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia Dec 1st, 2019

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, or insomnia, you know how frustrating it can be to rein in your brain as it tumbles into unhealthy territory, heedless of the pain and discomfort it causes. It’s in these moments that you wish you could exercise more control over your rogue brain,...

Got Chronic Back Pain? Learn How Our Computerized SIGMA Instrument Adjustments Can Help Nov 1st, 2019

Is your back killing you? Are you sick of making a trip to the chiropractor only to be twisted and cracked? Sigma instruments may be the treatment you need to get rid of the pain for good with no painful manipulations. Dr. Alan James and the team at JNT Natural Medicine...

The Amazing Healing Power of Cold Laser Therapy Oct 21st, 2019

Even though you can’t see it, infrared light can do a lot of amazing things. It toasts your bread, makes your remote control your TV, allows you to see people in the dark, and can even detect invisible stars and planets. Now, the FDA has approved this powerful light to...

Cervical Collars: Helpful Fashion Statement? Sep 28th, 2019

You see them on people all the time – those big stiff collars that keep someone’s head from moving. They are often prescribed after a car accident, a sports injury or a fall, for whiplash or a soft tissue injury to the neck. They look uncomfortable. More and more of...

NSAIDs – Friend or Foe? Sep 18th, 2019

Among the most common over-the-counter pain relievers are Non-Steroidal, Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). You probably recognize them by names such as aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Aleve or simply ibuprofen. These and similar drugs block the body’s production of prostaglandins, reducing inflammation and fever. These drugs have been linked with an increase in...

How All-Natural Regenerative Medicine Therapies Are Revolutionizing Pain Management Sep 2nd, 2019

Pain is tricky. Depending on what’s causing it, you may need surgery to solve it. But surgery inflicts more pain, which seems counterintuitive. Surgery also introduces other risks, such as anesthesia, infection, and scarring. Medications may help calm your pain temporarily, but they don’t address the cause; they only mask...

Walking for Health Aug 31st, 2019

What do you think is the most popular form of exercise? Walking, of course. After all, it’s cheap, it’s easy, it doesn’t require fancy equipment, special clothes, an expensive membership and it’s available 24/7 for just about anyone. Walking, even just 30 minutes a day can strengthen your bones, reduce...

Probiotics – The Good Gut Bacteria Aug 21st, 2019

Almost half of our body isn’t even us. It’s bacteria. Trillions of them. Most reside in our stomach, intestines and colon. They are essential for digestion and to our overall health and well being. The bacteria on our skin, airways and digestive tract are our first line of defense against...

The Importance of Spinal Curves Jul 26th, 2019

Your spine is made up of a series of interconnected bones, each on top of the other. Besides serving as an armature to support the weight of your body, your spine provides: Protection of the spinal cord and nerve roots The capacity to withstand a certain amount of physical shock...

Walking Your Way to Wellness Jul 16th, 2019

Want to bring some unexpected joy into your life? Try some lighthearted, low stress exercise. Most of us don’t move enough. Many of us sit most of the day. This lack of movement can profoundly affect our health and well-being. Introducing… walking! It’s free, it’s easy, it doesn’t require any...

Laughter – An Essential Ingredient of Good Health Jun 22nd, 2019

For years, Readers Digest featured the column “Laughter, the Best Medicine.” It contains jokes, riddles and humorous musings designed to tickle the funny bone. But just how important is laughter to our everyday health? Turns out that when we laugh we produce natural killer cells which destroy tumors and viruses....

Fasting–Are There Health Benefits? Jun 12th, 2019

Many chiropractors and other natural healing disciplines suggest fasting from time to time as a means to cleanse the body and rid it of toxins so it functions better. Critics of fasting say that it starves the body and that regular sleeping and periods in between eating are enough to...

Does Scoliosis Automatically Mean Surgery? May 24th, 2019

A routine school exam reveals your child has scoliosis. Naturally you’re concerned. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. About 80% of scoliosis cases are idiopathic. Which means the cause isn’t known. Idiopathic scoliosis may have hereditary factors. Scoliosis afflicts around 2 to 3 percent of the population. Children...

Is Chocolate Actually Good for You? May 14th, 2019

Chocoholics take heart – literally that is. Seems that a bit of a chocolate bar might actually be good for your ticker. Dark chocolate, not that dreamy milk chocolate that melts in your mouth. It’s a comfort food that we can all live with – in moderation of course. Several...

Health Facts About Omega-3 Apr 26th, 2019

What is Omega-3 and why is it important? First, it is a fat. The good type of fat. The “omega” is simply a way organic chemists name the long string of carbon atoms. At one end is a carboxylic acid molecule (called alpha) and a methyl at the other end...

Sit Up Straight! Apr 16th, 2019

Remember when your mother used to say things like, “Eat all your vegetables.” And, “Look both ways before crossing the street.” “A person is known by the company they keep.” And let’s not forget her mantra, “Sit up straight! Don’t slouch!” She was offering excellent advice. So many of us...

Seven Reasons to See a Chiropractor Mar 22nd, 2019

It’s effective. Your nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body. The primary focus of chiropractic care is the restoration of nervous system integrity. As your nervous system works better, you work better. It’s natural. Chiropractic care doesn’t add chemicals or foreign substances to your body....

Is Your Debt Making You Sick? Mar 12th, 2019

There is an epidemic plaguing many. It’s called debt stress. Credit card companies and retail outlets make it easier than ever to obtain credit on demand. They’re perfectly agreeable to generous credit limits. They’re anxious to exploit your need for instant gratification. But all this “generosity” comes with a cost....

Golfers Love Chiropractic Feb 27th, 2019

For many, a relaxing game of golf is the perfect way to spend a sunny weekend with three of your best friends. But, the next day, some feel pronounced pain in the lower back. Does this popular leisure time activity produce lower back pain? According to the Professional Golfers Association,...

Burn Calories Without Breaking a Sweat Feb 12th, 2019

You may have suspected that proper weight control cannot be achieved entirely by dieting alone. In fact, you may know a few people who are engaged in a sedentary lifestyle who never work out, yet seem able to maintain an ideal weight. How do they do it? Turns out you...

What is Spinal Stenosis? Jan 29th, 2019

For many of us, advancing age brings on more than just grey hair and wrinkles. It also surfaces degenerative changes to the spine. It’s not always the aging process. More likely, it’s the cumulative effect of years of neglect. Spinal stenosis is one such condition. This is a narrowing of...

What is Pain Trying to Tell You? Jan 15th, 2019

An ache here, a pain there. Or maybe something more chronic, like migraine pain or lower back pain. What is the purpose of pain? What’s it trying to tell you? Many people try to avoid pain at all costs. So, at the first sign of any type of pain, they...

Planting Seeds to Grow Healthy Kids Jan 2nd, 2019

Just as planting a garden requires fertile soil, quality seeds, plenty of sunshine and water, planting seeds to grow healthy kids requires specific actions. With a dizzying amount of advice dispensed over the Internet, through the TV and by well-meaning friends and family members, it’s not always easy to know...

What Happens When You Get Whiplash? Dec 18th, 2018

Who knew a fun day at the amusement park could result in a whiplash injury? When they hear the word, “whiplash,” most people immediately picture a rear-end motor vehicle accident. But there are other ways that whiplash injuries can occur, including: Assault, such as being punched or shaken Roller coaster...

Insider’s Guide to Free Radicals Dec 4th, 2018

Imagine a huge ballroom dance in which couples are whirling and twirling to the music. Until a single, unpaired dancer enters the ballroom. He cuts in on another dancing couple. This leaves one of the original couples without a partner. This new lone dancer disrupts another couple by cutting in....

Common Factors That Affect Healing Nov 20th, 2018

Most of our patients begin care because they have an ache, pain or some other health issue. Naturally, they want it resolved as quickly as possible. Ingest a pain reliever and within minutes the drug disperses throughout your body, numbing the symptom. Many of us have grown accustomed to this...

All About Salt Nov 6th, 2018

Salt is the primary seasoning used to flavor food and an essential ingredient of the diets of both animals and humans alike. The human body contains about four ounces of salt. If you don’t have enough of it, your heart won’t beat, you can’t digest your food, your blood won’t...

What Makes Chiropractic Different? Oct 23rd, 2018

By now you know that chiropractic care is different from medical treatment. This difference goes beyond the importance of repeated visits. At our practice, the focus remains on the integrity of your nervous system. How do we do it? By seeing YOU. Seeing the Person While medicine is interested in...

Are You a Victim? Oct 9th, 2018

Our health (and the decisions we make about it) is among the most personal of decisions. Are we passive, ignoring our health until we lose it? Or do we actively assume the responsibility for and take action to promote our health? The choice we make is often revealed by how...

Why Spinal Problems Often Return Sep 25th, 2018

Chiropractic skeptics often pooh-pooh the idea of periodic chiropractic checkups after symptoms subside with the classic, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” line. This justification often results in a relapse into the original problem for countless patients. How come? Because biomechanical changes along the spine affecting nerves and muscles...

Nervous System 101 Sep 11th, 2018

The nervous system in your body is made up of two parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The spinal cord transmits sensory messages to the brain and motor messages from the brain. Sensory nerves...

The Brain in Your Gut Aug 28th, 2018

It surprises many to learn that they have an enteric nervous system. Have you heard of it? It controls and regulates the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon and has five times the number of neurons as your spinal cord. You’ve probably heard the admonition “trust your gut.” Turns out...

Once You Go… Aug 14th, 2018

Probably one of the greatest myths about chiropractic care is that, once you go, you have to go for the rest of your life. Of course, this isn’t true. However, we do have patients who plan to see us regularly for the rest of their life. So what gives? Five...

Boost Your Body Jul 31st, 2018

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Use it or lose it.” It’s especially true when it comes to joint function. As we age, many of us suffer from a loss of joint mobility. Morning stiffness starts to show up. Or we need time to recover after getting up out of...

3 Ways to Get to Sleep Jul 17th, 2018

You’ve darkened your bedroom. It’s quiet. You’ve set the temperature to a comfortable 68 degrees. You’ve avoided eating or exercising before bedtime. You get adjusted regularly to quiet down your nervous system. You’ve avoided the blue light emitted by your digital device. It’s time to fall asleep. Now what? If...

Emotions and Your Spine Jul 3rd, 2018

When we explain that physical, chemical and emotional stress is the underlying cause of subluxations, many wonder how emotions can cause spinal misalignments. Yet, our language reveals some common connections. “I just can’t stand it.” “He’s a real pain in the neck.” “She’s cramping my style.” “My feet are killing...